Chances are, if you want to save money, you are doing everything you know how to do. Do you know how to save money on your electric bill? In the paragraphs below, we are going to give you some energy efficiency ideas that can go a long way.
Hereโs our home energy efficiency tips โฆ
Check the Energy-Efficiency Ratio Before You Buy an Air Conditioning Unit
Before you go out and by an air conditioning unit, check to see what its energy-efficiency ratio is. You can find out the energy efficiency ratio by taking the unitโs cooling capacity and dividing it by the energy requirement. If it comes out with an EER of 10 or more, that is great, while 6 or 7 is fair.
Go for the Smallest Air Unit Possible
So many people are under the impression that bigger is better. Donโt go out and buy the biggest system out there โ go for the smallest one that will meet your needs.
Energy Efficiency Tip for Doing Laundry
When doing laundry, wash full loads. By doing this, you will be using the machine less and saving energy.
Energy Saving Tip for Your Refrigerator
When it comes to saving money on electricity, you cannot forget about your refrigerator. It is important that you defrost your freezer on a regular basis. When ice starts to build up up, your freezer will be using more electricity. After you defrost it, if it quickly builds up again, you need to check the seals on the door to make sure they are intact.
Save on Your Heating Bill
To save money on your heating bill, change the filters on a routine basis. Also, make sure you check the windows and doors for proper insulation (it is important that you do not let the heat escape).
As you see, there are many ways you can save money on your electricity. By simply following the tips we gave you in the paragraphs above, you could cut a big chunk out of your next electric bill. For all of your HVAC needs, give us a call today.